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What is End-Point Protection?

What is End-Point Protection?

Understanding Endpoint Security:  Endpoint protection, also called endpoint security, is the practice of securing end-user devices from cyber threats and malicious activities. These devices are potential entry points for cybercriminals, making endpoint protection a...
GDPR Legislation Ireland: Know the Basics

GDPR Legislation Ireland: Know the Basics

We live in a technologically centred world where all our data is stored online – from your latest online shopping spree to the holiday you just booked – everything you share, post and search remains online. Due to this, laws regarding data privacy and...
Four Benefits of Cloud Managed Backup

Four Benefits of Cloud Managed Backup

 No matter how robust your IT systems are, they are under constant threat of disruption and downtime. Ransomware and other cyberattacks, power outages, equipment failures, and natural disasters can all take your IT systems out of the game. However, a robust managed...
 What is Hybrid Cloud and Why You Should Consider Azure

 What is Hybrid Cloud and Why You Should Consider Azure

Cloud computing is a solution that organisations everywhere are migrating towards—whether it’s a private, public or hybrid cloud solution. The popularity of subscription services (such as Office 365) means storing company data in the cloud is an expectation in today’s...