Kilkenny: 056 778 6882 | Dublin: 01 525 2181 | Carlow: 059 918 6728


By using our fully Managed Firewall Service as part of a multi layered approach to security, you can be protected from attack because the devices that we supply include ongoing updates in a managed and planned manner.

Some businesses operate their network with what they believe is a firewall but in a lot of cases are using the “out of the box” device that they received from their internet provider. We would always recommend a more comprehensive Firewall solution for your business. Operating at anything less leaves your computer network operating with a very low level of security where bank account information, passwords, credit card numbers and virtually any sensitive information on your computer network could become available to hackers.

By using our fully Managed Firewall Service as part of a multi layered approach to security, you can be protected from attack because the devices that we supply include ongoing updates in a managed and planned manner. Unified Threat Management (UTM) is the general term around this type of solution, i.e., a unified approach to the security of your business.

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Find out more about how we can protect you and your business with Firewall solutions