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Office Moves & New Setups

At BITS we can work with you to manage the project of moving office. We can ensure that connection services (internet, network, phones, etc.) are in place and fully tested before the first day at the new office.

Moving office can be a daunting task and IT forms a very important part of the process. You need to ensure that your new office space has exactly what you need before you start packing boxes at the old location! At BITS we can work with you to manage the project of moving office. We can ensure that connection services (internet, network, phones, etc.) are in place and fully tested before the first day at the new office.

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

Planning for a move from a current location to a new office space, or setting up a new office for the first time requires a high degree of planning. Here is a list of items in relation to IT that need to be considered:
1) Connectivity: Internet connection, wireless/wired networking, telephone services:
Connectivity is the number 1 concern when moving and looking at the options available in your proposed new location. Internet, phones and network services will need to be 100% functioning on the day that the office is going to be live. BITS can help you answer questions such as:

  • Where will the printers be located?
  • Do you have enough network points?
  • Where is the best location for Wireless Access Points to ensure full coverage?
  • What lead times do I need to consider with providers?

If these are not managed/accounted for in your plan, there can be a real risk of things not running smoothly after you actually move.

2) Consider the needs of your workforce

What’s the plan for the layout of the new office space? Is everyone working off laptops or are you deploying PC’s/Workstations for users? Will your staff need dual-screens or docking stations? Is “hot desking” an option?

Again, planning well in advance means that you can have the office space ready when you need to move. BITS can provide the advice and expertise in relation to the IT elements of your office move.

3) Don’t forget your Comms Room and Meeting Room(s)

An office move isn’t just about the workstations and desk locations, you need to consider the meeting rooms and where the best location is to centralise your IT cabling and services. This is a key part of your overall network and of the services associated with your network. Correspondingly, it needs to be planned for well in advance.

4) Managing the Actual Move

When you’re ready to move, you’ll want to have peace of mind that your existing IT kit is handled in the correct manner and set up again in the new office in the safest and optimal way. You’ll want to ensure that everything is setup and ready to go for the opening day and you’ll need to plan for an on-site tech presence on the opening day to ensure any gremlins are ironed out. BITS can provide IT project management of office moves to ensure a smooth and seamless transition.

Office Moves & New Setups

Contact us today for help with Office Moves & New Setups