Kilkenny: 056 778 6882 | Dublin: 01 525 2181 | Carlow: 059 918 6728

Managed Mail Filtering

Cyber Security has never been more important for business. Email coming into user mailboxes is one of the most common ways that viruses, ransomware, malware attacks, etc. get into your computer network.

The issue can arise when a malicious email gets into your business and is opened and the content is clicked/opened.

To counter this risk, we can implement an Enhanced Email Protection solution that will help to filter out these annoying and malicious emails. This solution will also scan any links within the content of the email to make sure that it’s not linking to a malicious source. More importantly, all of the set-up, migration, on-going changes and updates can be managed by BITS, allowing you to work trouble-free.

Key features: 

  • Blocks spam, viruses and volume-based attacks before they reach the corporate network.
  • Automatic inbound email queuing assures email continuity in the event of a mail server outage.
  • Outbound email filtering protects your business’ reputation and helps to avoid IP address blacklisting.

Managed Security Services

Contact us today to find out more about our Managed Security Services