Kilkenny: 056 778 6882 | Dublin: 01 525 2181 | Carlow: 059 918 6728

Mobile Device Management

With our MDM Solution, you can provide users with fast and secure access to corporate data from their personal devices in a secure yet simple manner.

Employers have largely moved with the times in allowing employees to bring their own devices to work and/or to allow those personal devices to have company email installed on them and even have access to the office remotely. This is called “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) and it has changed the way we do business. As mobiles and tablets flood the workplace, it has never been more important than now to think about applying device-specific policies. To do this you’ll need a mobile device management (MDM) solution which BITS can provide.

With our MDM Solution, you can provide users with fast and secure access to corporate data from their personal devices in a secure yet simple manner.

Mobile Device Management

Find out more about the Mobile Device Management services offered by BITS