Kilkenny: 056 778 6882 | Dublin: 01 525 2181 | Carlow: 059 918 6728

Patching & System Updates

RMM is monitoring software that BITS can install on your critical IT systems. Once installed, the software monitors the device it is installed onto 24/7/365 and raises an alarm if there is a problem or an indication of an impending problem. These advance warnings provide information that, if acted on promptly by your support team, allows preventative measures to be taken. The effect? Your organisation continues to run smoothly with less performance issues and minimal downtime.

Here at BITS we understand the importance of your IT systems to your business. That is the precise reason why we specialise in the use of remote monitoring to maximise IT system uptime for our clients.

We have a repeatable process we follow. We carry out an audit to get a clear picture of your IT systems and your needs. We also maintain a vigilant eye on the existing and emergent RMM options so that we are in a position to provide you with the optimal solution for your particular circumstances.

But that is only part of the solution. It is of no benefit to you if an alarm is raised but is not acted on. The system is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Therefore, we also maintain a hyper-readiness to react at speed to any issues that arise in your IT system.

Patching & System Updates

Find out more about the Patching & System Update services delivered by our skilled technical staff