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  • Several years ago, cloud computing was deemed to be a luxury, offering businesses resource access, cost savings, and peace of mind for more corporate businesses and C-Level executives. The Covid-19 pandemic changed that and resulted in the majority of office-based Irish businesses needing some level of cloud computing and having to engage with a technology that was possibly quite new to them.  


The benefits of cloud computing are well known. Proactive disaster recovery and monthly cost savings can save your business a lot of money. By migrating to the cloud, you free yourself from costly physical server space and only pay for the resources you need. In doing so shifting away from large capital costs every few years to a more evenly spread running costs model. Scaling up becomes effortlessly easy. Collaboration improves as multiple team members have access to the same tools and data from many different locations.  


However, embracing the capabilities of cloud computing isn’t always smooth sailing. It requires thorough planning, expert execution, and ongoing maintenance. Inevitably, you will encounter bugs, hiccups, and glitches along the way. This blog post aims to highlight the 5 most common pitfalls and assist you in your migration journey. 


 1. Downtime 

Downtime can prove to be a hindrance. The move to cloud takes time, and network outages may occur when transferring large amounts of data. It’s crucial to back up everything and plan the migration during periods of low usage. Further issues with downtime can arise if you don’t have contingency on your internet connection – something that can be easily mitigated against (especially if you have your team working remotely), but still shouldn’t be under estimated.  



2. App Issues and Uncertain Capabilities 

Furthermore, migrating to the cloud may reveal which apps work and which ones fail. We suggest, conducting a comprehensive audit of your software and applications to assess their compatibility and explore alternative solutions that might be more robust and cost-effective. 



 3. Improper Network Capacity Expectations 

Ensuring appropriate network capacity expectations are effectively managed is vital. It’s important to understand the amount of data you currently work with and anticipate your future needs as you grow prior to embarking on your cloud journey. Without this knowledge, your team may experience frustrating latency issues, negatively impacting the customer experience. Assess any speed-related challenges and productivity bottlenecks to enhance your business efficiency.  



 4. Initial Costs 

While cloud computing offers long-term cost savings, there might be an initial phase of overlapping expenses. You will be required to purchase annual software licences but note that increased productivity and profitability will offset these expenses. Eventually, the benefits of cost savings on hardware, repairs, office space, and technical debt accumulation will become evident. 



5. Lack of In-House Understanding 

Possessing an in-house fundamental grasp of cloud computing is essential. Network testing, data monitoring, routine maintenance, and staying ahead of the latest cloud-based innovations are important aspects. We’re here to assist you in navigating this realm. Our expertise, accreditations, and knowledge of cybersecurity standards will ensure a smooth transition and ongoing compliance. 


At BITS, we can oversee your cloud migration, safeguard your IT infrastructure, provide instant software updates, modernise systems without causing outages, identify cost-saving opportunities, and help you scale your tech as your business expands. Get in touch for more information.