Mar 2, 2023 | News, Microsoft, Modern Workplace, Teams Voice
Is your business looking to make impactful change that enhances the employee experience and drives success? You need a tool that will offer unparalleled insights into your organisation’s working practices and productivity patterns, while offering your team the...
Feb 21, 2023 | News, Microsoft, Modern Workplace, Teams Voice
The Benefits of Microsoft Teams Rooms for the Digital Workplace While the digital workforce might have arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic, when businesses across the globe were forced to work remotely, there is no denying that it is now here to stay. Even as the option...
Jan 26, 2022 | News, Modern Workplace
2022 is upon us and, following a technically tumultuous two years, we now have the opportunity to perfect our business technologies, truly explore our hybrid workforces, and seek more competitive solutions. Such changes, however, can often necessitate a fresh new...
Jan 28, 2021 | Modern Workplace, News
In March 2020, when the first lock-down was put in place, I think it’s fair to say that most people thought this was going to be a relatively short-lived disruption to our lives and businesses. Yet, here we are almost 1 year on and in the middle of our 3rd lockdown....
Nov 5, 2020 | Modern Workplace, News
Back in March, the planet had to vacate their offices and begin remote working. For many companies, this happened practically overnight. Without IT and strong internet, this would’ve been impossible – just imagine if COVID had hit during the 80s! Half a year on...
Aug 25, 2020 | Modern Workplace, News
If you are planning an office move, you should know that the biggest challenges and headaches will come from your IT and Phones. Here’s some advice that will help to minimise downtime and interruption for you and your clients. Moving to a new office brings a set of...