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Compliance Auditing

Many organisations are subject to audit. Often a business doesn’t know where to start when tasked with addressing compliance issues, and this is where we come in.

Compliance Auditing

Many organisations are subject to audit. Whether to reach a minimum standard or to rise to a new standard, this is more and more an integral part of running a business today. IT requirements span most, if not all, areas of any business’ practices. Often a business doesn’t know where to start when tasked with addressing compliance issues and this is where we come in. The first step is to work with the business to understand their goals with respect to IT. Some organisations are aiming for ISO, some are focused on GDPR compliance and some simply want to know where they stand.

We have developed a standardised approach to auditing and reporting on a site that covers all aspects of current practice and we present it to the organisation in an easy to read format. We identify the inherent level of risk associated with each practice and work with the client to help them understand the implications of same. Should shortfalls be identified when compared to the goals of the business, we include recommendations/advice on how to address those shortfalls.

Compliance Auditing

Contact us to discuss Compliance Auditing for your organisation